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Employer cries as he pays his employees for the last time.  

by Yucatan Times
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“It hurts my heart to tell you that this is the last time I can pay you because when this is over you will not have a company to return to.” 

MEXICO – A Sonora businessman broke down in tears after announcing to his employees that this is the last time he will pay them because of the coronavirus. “It hurts my heart to tell them it’s the last time I can pay you because when this is over, they won’t be company to return to,” he said.

A video shows the man explaining to his workers that he is running out of resources, and his income is lower because of the pandemic. He identified himself as Ramon Sesma Coronado and explained that he comes from a middle-class family.

“I was not born rich, nor a millionaire, my father was born in Caborca and lived on the salary of a policeman,” he said.

He regretted that it is believed that businessmen have a lot of money because, in his case, he had to mortgage his properties and risk money to be able to employ other people.

“It’s unfortunate to see a 30-year-old job fall apart. Nobody could have foreseen the pandemic. We all gave as a guarantee to go to the beach, to be able to kiss and hug your family”.

He explained that even if Covid-19 passes, he has to pay salaries, electricity, among other services and obligations.

“Do I pay taxes, or do I give the money to you?” asked the employer before breaking into tears in front of his employees. The workers asked that he give the money to them, while the businessman lamented the actions of the federal government, headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).


He even asked his employees to pray for the president to be “enlightened” and bring the country forward.

President López Obrador has been criticized by the opposition for allegedly not having pursued an economic plan to match the Covid-19 pandemic.

In response to the criticism, the president announced that he would give credit to micro, small, and medium enterprises; the amount will be 25,000 pesos.

AMLO has also pointed out that there will be no tax write-off for any businessman since these resources are needed to deal with the pandemic.


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