After the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) announced changes to the 2022-2023 school calendar, with a rescheduling of the intensive workshops on…
private schools
Parents worried about the health of their children at public schools (CAMPECHE, CAMP. – TYT) Teachers and administrative staff from two private…
Not all students will return to face-to-face classes in private schools around Mexico
Only 10% of schools are expected to return to face-to-face activities MEXICO, (August 28, 2021).- Next Monday, August 30, only 10 percent…
Private schools in Yucatán refuse to return to the face-to-face classes, state government responds
Mérida, Yucatán, (August 25, 2021).- The president of the Mexican Association of Private Schools (Amepac), Elias Dajer Fadel, said that private elementary…
Eleven months after the closure of all schools was decreed, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Association of Private Schools of…