Home Business-newBusiness “Blackouts” affect 70% of the commercial sector in Yucatán

“Blackouts” affect 70% of the commercial sector in Yucatán

by Yucatan Times
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The Canacome leader calls on the Federal Electricity Commission to reinforce its distribution and transmission lines to avoid continuous service interruptions.

70 percent of the members of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Canacome) have been affected in some way by the blackouts, which is why they call on the Federal Electricity Commission to reinforce its distribution and transmission lines and avoid this problem.

The president of this organization, Levy Abraham Macari, said that “in a survey we did among members of the Chamber of Commerce, they expressed some affectation; It doesn’t mean that it is a loss, but somehow we have found ourselves in trouble.”

For this reason, he added, “we call on (the CFE) to do what is pertinent so that these types of things are not happening; I think we would need to raise awareness that, due to the extreme climate, they will require more and more electrical energy.”

He specified that for the commerce and services sector it is important to know the progress of the combined cycle plants that have been talked about and managed for so many years, and that once they are ready they have the capacity to have the energy to serve them. the citizens.

“I heard in the news that the high temperatures and intense heat will continue at least until the end of this month, so some lines that are not used 100 percent are going to do so, which is why we must demand that the Federal Commission Electricity – there is no other agency to ask for it – to maintain optimal operating conditions,” he explained.

Abraham Macari specified that, due to the electrical power interruptions, recurring since last week, there have been no reports of loss of products, at least from those affiliated with Canaco; What has been happening is that they are left without service for several hours.

“So far there have been no product losses in supermarkets, because these businesses have emergency power plants that help them keep their products refrigerated and in good condition; When they ask me how much it represents economically, it is difficult to know,” he explained.

The businessman said that, unlike in an industry, where they can quantify how much they lose for every hour they stop production, in a business they do not know when someone was going to enter, if they arrived or left before purchasing a product because there was no power.

“It is difficult to quantify economically, but there is an impact on the physical part, on the comfort of the employees and on the people who could go to the stores to buy,” he concluded.

TYT Newsroom

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