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Fire at Cancun hotel unleashes intense mobilization (Watch Video)

by Yucatan Times

Cancun, Quintana Roo, (November 01, 2021).- A fire at the Dreams Sands hotel in Cancun caused an intense mobilization of firefighters, police and military.

According to preliminary information, the fire occurred in the aforementioned hotel located at 8.5 kilometers of the Cancun hotel zone.

(Photo: SIPSE)

First reports indicate that the fire started on the ninth floor, due to a failure in the elevator electric system, in which some guests were trapped. Fortunately, they were released safely by firefighters.

(Photo: SIPSE)

After putting out the fire, agents of the Quintana Roo police and the Mexican Army implemented an operation on Kukulcán Boulevard to control traffic and the people who gathered outside the hotel.

(Photo: SIPSE)

An ambulance from the Heart company also came to the hotel, in case it was necessary.

(Photo: SIPSE)

Faced with such an incident, many tourists and workers were evicted from the facilities. 

(Photo: SIPSE)

Also, many people crowded around the hotel to find out what was going on.

(Photo: SIPSE)

Many people were even waiting in the surroundings with everything and their suitcases, either for tourists who were waiting to enter the hotel or people who were waiting for the opportunity to take public transport to the center of Cancun.

(Photo: SIPSE)

Preliminarily, it was learned of tourists intoxicated by the smoke, however the authority has not confirmed this data. 

Source: Sipse

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Bichectomia Monterrey November 2, 2021 - 8:43 am

Such a disaster, i hope everything it’s alright.

Dentista Xalapa August 24, 2023 - 9:18 pm

I hope everything its ok !! We need to help

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