Merida, Yucatan, (November 09, 2021).- The University Unit of Sports Medicine (UUMD) and the Medical Care and Diagnosis Clinic, both attached to the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY), resumed their care for the open population with specialized services at low cost.
The coordinator of the UUMD, Julián Priego Gómez Caña, pointed out that it provides comprehensive care to assess the physical condition of users, as well as the treatment and rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries with special attention to the athlete.
In addition, he indicated that there is a laboratory that has state-of-the-art equipment for the diagnosis of the physical form of the athlete, or of sedentary people who wish to start an exercise program in order to preserve and improve their health.
“The external consultation offered to the sports and non-sports community includes the specialties of sports medicine, orthopedics, nutrition and sports psychology,” he added.

For his part, the head of the Medical Care and Diagnosis Clinic, Carlos Peniche Salazar, reported that they offer family medicine, ultrasound, radiology, nutrition and electrocardiograms consultations.
He stressed that all the studies are carried out with state-of-the-art equipment and have highly qualified medical personnel, as well as nursing personnel for the care and healing of wounds.
This clinic also functions as a real learning scenario, as it provides a space for recent graduates to put their knowledge into practice, under medical supervision and accompaniment.
The fees for family medicine consultation are 50 pesos, ultrasounds from 300 to 400 pesos, the nutrition area 160 pesos the first time, and the subsequent ones, 50 pesos; while the electrocardiograms have a price of 160 pesos.
Peniche Salazar pointed out that the management model applied in the clinic is based on essential pillars such as teaching in real settings, assistance, and research.
The Medical Care and Diagnosis Clinic is located on Avenida Itzaes number 486 between 59 and 59-A, Colonia Centro, in front of the UADY Faculty of Medicine. To request an appointment click on this link.
The service hours are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., people interested in attending can request their appointments and more information by calling (999) 923-7396.
Source: La Jornada Maya
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