In order to continue with the so-called “Perrito Rescue Operation”, the director of the Board of Trustees of the Units of Cultural and Tourist Services of Yucatán (Patronato de las Unidades de Servicios Culturales y Turísticos de Yucatán: Cultur), Mauricio Díaz Montalvo, received the Comprehensive Plan designed by the four local animal protection groups that support this initiative.
As a result of a publication on social networks featuring several dogs on the steps of the Kukulkan pyramid, which could imply a public health issue and a risk for the millenary infrastructure of this important archaeological site, state authorities decided to implement a “perrito” rescue operation.
In a meeting in the Boardroom of Cultur, the representatives Natalia Uprimng from Adopta; Lourdes Durán from Perpópolis and Veterinarian Antonio Ríos from Planned Pethood, made the corresponding presentation of the project that, according to the documents, covers four phases, which would take place from September to December of this year.
The Cinco Patas (Five Paws) Group, represented by Gabriela Romero and Azalía May Ceballos, is also participating in this initiative, although they could not attend this meeting.
-What we are looking for with this project, which we carry out in coordination with Cultur, is to carry out a plan never before tried in the Yucatan, on how to solve a situation of this kind in an orderly and consensual way.

Stray dogs photographed on top of the Kukulcan Pyramid in Chichen Itza (Photo: Canal 10)
Mauricio Díaz thanked again the interest of the groups to work hand in hand with Cultur and for having taken the time to develop a plan that aims to find a solution with a triple objective:
- Caring for people’s health
- Protecting the archaeological zone,
- Providing a better and more dignified environment for stray dogs in rural Yucatan
-The next step will be to meet with INAH representatives in Chichen so we can agree on the date to start this plan that is being presented to us today -Díaz said.

Stray dogs photographed on the stairs of the Kukulcan Pyramid in Chichen Itza (Photo: Canal 10)
The phases of the “Kukulkán Perrito Rescue Operation” are:
1. Recognize the feeding areas, make a list of the existing dogs to identify quantity, physical characteristics and sociability of the animals, promote an environment of trust with them -to be able to catch them-, deworming and improving the quality of feeding, as well as to impove the sensitivity of the INAH staff members, on the importance of the project and animal welfare.
2. Capture the dogs that live in the Chichen Itza area in a safe, ethical and humane way .
3. Accurately diagnose the physical condition of each animal, in order to give them the appropriate treatment in each case. Classify the animals according to their health conditions and sociability, determine which of them can be adopted, and which others can remain as permanent guests within the Chichen Itza archaeological site.
4. Reduce the canine and feline population around Chichén Itza, promote community education on responsible ownership and welfare of companion animals, promote the area as a socially responsible community that includes a public health community policy, and establish Animal Welfare programs.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom with information from CULTUR