Home Business-newBusiness More businessmen are raising their voices about the serious damages caused by blackouts

More businessmen are raising their voices about the serious damages caused by blackouts

by Yucatan Times
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The blackouts are causing serious damage in general and the business sector is registering very heavy damage, so it is essential that the problem be attacked as soon as possible, said Emilio Blanco del Villar, president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) Mérida.

The leader stated that the State Business Coordinating Council (CCE) has already asked the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) for a meeting and they are waiting to be given a date.

“It is very difficult to estimate the losses, but imagine that a company stops for an hour with 100 employees because how much it costs is very difficult to estimate,” said Blanco del Vilar.

“The damage is very serious, I don’t have the census, but at least 50% of the State companies have had some strike due to lack of energy, of course with losses.”

Interviewed at the Coparmex offices, the business leader cited that among the consequences and direct effects they suffer from the constant blackouts in Yucatán, what stands out is that they stop fulfilling their commitments and their clients.

 “That is something already serious that does seriously affect, hence it is essential to attack this problem as soon as possible.”

The interviewee pointed out that there are undoubtedly effects for everyone, not only in the case of private homes where people in many cases lose their refrigerators or air conditioning, to name some of the damage they suffer from current variations.

“But imagine companies, people stop working and that loses productivity, and we are interested in being a productive State,” he emphasized.

Regarding the possibility of filing complaints for damages, he considered that it is very complex.

“I believe that more than demanding, we have to sit down with the federal authorities to build and design the energy model we want for the future and how to avoid that type of thing,” he added. “It is very easy to use, but in the end, we are going to spend our time and energy on things that are not so positive, but we must strongly demand that the infrastructure meets the necessary needs.” For this reason, he continued, an appointment with the CFE was requested through the CCE and they are waiting for a date to be confirmed so that they can come to talk.

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