Home Feature This is the story of how Pixie and Michito became best friends…

This is the story of how Pixie and Michito became best friends…

by Yucatan Times
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Who said cats and dogs do not get along?

The belief that there cannot be a friendship between dogs and cats is very common in people, but perhaps it is because they do not know the history of Michito and Pixie.

These two adorable pets have become popular on social networks, as the owners constantly show in their personal accounts the love and friendship that the kitten and the puppy have developed for each other. The story of how the union between both species began, has won the affection of many people who have become fans of these peculiar animals.

The two pets ended up together at the same house. Pixie, a small Chihuahua, was the first to join the people who are her owners today, as her previous owner had to leave the country and travel to the United States. This is how the family of Moisés took care of Pixie and her puppies. On the other hand, Michito didn’t have it that easy.

Pixie and Michito (Photo: Codigo San Luis)

Moisés says that when the kitten arrived at his house it was only four months old, the family decided to keep the kitten, because some children abandoned it in a box in front of Moisés’ front door. When they noticed the presence of the little kitten, they realized that he was badly injured and the worst damage was on his eye. Fortunately, with the care of Moisés’ mother, little Michito was able to survive and heal his injuries.

It seems like Pixie adopted the kitten as she realized he had been mistreated, not only because of the state in which they found him but also because he was not a very sociable cat and preferred to be alone.

But as soon as Pixie looked at the kitten, the first thing the Chihuahua did was to approach him and try to play with him. From the first moment the two pets met, they became good friends and this is how an excellent friendship began.

The owners of the animals declare that both are always together and take care of each other at every moment.

Source: Codigo San Luis

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