Home Headlines 160 cases of suicide registered in Mérida in the last 7 months

160 cases of suicide registered in Mérida in the last 7 months

by Yucatan Times
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Mérida, Yucatán.- According to documented figures up to August 31, suicide cases in Yucatán reached 160 (133 men and 27 women). Compared to the same cut of 2020, there are 23 percent more cases since at that time the accumulated was 103 cases.

Most cases of suicide occur in people between 15 and 29 years of age, which is the range where more cases of depression and anxiety are diagnosed, mental disorders that trigger suicides.

To the total number of cases accumulated until August 31st, the first two that occurred in this month of September should be added. On the first day of the month, a 34-year-old woman from Fraccionamiento Almendros de Ciudad Caucel took her own life after arguing with her husband over an infidelity problem.

The next day, a 19-year-old young man decided to end his existence in Jardines de Nueva Mulsay, after his father scolded him because he did not help with the housework.

96.2 percent of all suicide cases, which are 154 people, chose the hanging method.

Similarly, of the total suicide cases registered up to August 31, 67 took place from Mérida, (41.9 percent of the total). They are followed by Kanasín, with 18 (11. percent), Valladolid, with 10 (6.2 percent), and Umán, with 7 (4.4 percent).

In the municipality of Hunucmá (to the west of the State) five cases have been presented; at Chemax, four. Progreso, Ticul and Tizimín, report 3 each and with two are Acanceh, Buctzotz, Halachado, Izamal, Kinchil, Motul, Oxkutzcab and Tekax. With one house each, there are the municipalities of Akil, Chapab, Dzilam González, Dzitás, Espita, Huhí, Kaua, Kopomá, Maní, Mayapán, Muxupip, Panabá, Peto, Río Lagartos, Sinanché, Tahdziú, Tahmek, Teabo, Tecoh, Tekal, Tepakán, Tetiz, Tinum, Tixkokob, and Tixpéual.

The 160 suicide cases from January 1 to August 31, 2021 in Yucatán, are distributed as follows: 20 in January; February 18, March 25, April 20, May 23, June 14, July 22, and August 18

It was specified that the “red flags” before which it is necessary to seek help from a mental health professional are: that the person is depressed for at least two weeks; present constant sadness and loss of interest in activities that previously seemed fun or attracted your attention; express negative thoughts about the present or the future and, in general, a panorama of hopelessness.

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