Home Feature Cancun taquería is closed down after controversy over alleged “dog” tacos

Cancun taquería is closed down after controversy over alleged “dog” tacos

by Yucatan Times
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CANCÚN, (June 29, 2021).- Personnel from the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) affixed suspension stamps to a stall where they allegedly sell dog tacos. 

It was during the afternoon of Monday, June 29, that the closing mark of a white metal taqueria could be observed, this after the controversy that generated a complaint on social networks for the meat that they sold in the place.

The business is located on Calle 135th, between 12th and 14th, at the height of near the “Jardines de Paz” pantheon, in Cancun’s superblock 96.

As will be remembered, a few days ago, the news generated controversy on Facebook after a young man made a complaint that he had found a large number of hairs that looked like dog in his tacos.

In his account, the complainant pointed out that after buying his dinner, he arrived at his home to enjoy it, however, when he took the first bite of his beef taco, he felt hair in his mouth; he immediately spat out the food and noted the unpleasant surprise.

The young man was enraged and went to the business with the same order of tacos in a bag, demanding his money back.

For this reason, personnel from the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) attended the post and affixed suspension stamps, while the investigations were being carried out. 

Photo: (Sipse)

Suspension of works and services of this establishment as a sanitary security measure based on articles 393, 395, 397, 402, 404 section VII, 411, 412 and 424 of the General Health Law for violation of sanitary provisions.

It was also clarified that it is strictly forbidden to hide, remove or partially or totally destroy the stamps imposed by the health authority.

Source: Sipse

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