This patriotic month here is a friendly reminder that in Mexican cuisine not everything is mole, chiles en nogada, and pozole (all of them delicious), especially in Yucatán, whose gastronomy is varied and exquisite. For September we recommend three typical dishes to celebrate the Independence of Mexico, made with ancestral ingredients from the various regions that give a new face to the country’s gastronomic culture.
Without a doubt, Yucatecan gastronomy is considered one of Mexico’s greatest culinary contributions to the world. Its dishes are made from an exquisite fusion of the ingredients used in pre-Hispanic times by the ancient Mayans and those flavors brought to the Peninsula of Yucatán by the Spanish and Lebanese during the Colony.
The cuisine of Yucatan has to offer the world great dishes and ingredients that fill the tables with flavor, texture, and color. That is why we share some of the most delicious dishes to enjoy during these national holidays.

Sikil pak is a snack typical of Yucatecan cuisine, extremely popular and delicious. This “dip” uses ingredients such as ground pumpkin seeds, red tomato, green chilies, chives, and cilantro, which give it an appetizing aroma while it is enjoyed with corn chips. A perfect dish to whet your appetite while spending time with family and friends.

Sopa de Lima (lime soup) is one of the most emblematic and exquisite flavors of Yucatan, which is distinguished by being simple, light, and unique. Thanks to the extraordinary seasoning and aroma that this citrus fruit from the region provides, the broth can be chicken or turkey and is accompanied by strips of fried tortilla, diced red tomato, and of course, slices of lime and a touch of habanero sauce to complement the experience.
The Taste Atlas ranking considers it as one of the tastiest soups in the world and the entire country, above the traditional pozole very popular in September.
That is why this culinary delight is a great option to get out of the conventional in the season and delight in a unique flavor.
But, if what you are looking for is a more popular and emblematic dish, we recommend the exquisite and succulent Cochinita Pibil. Made from ingredients such as pork, annatto, sour orange, as well as onion and habanero pickles. This dish has its origins in the pib of the Mayan culture, a stew that used to be consumed during the Hanal Pixan (Mayan festival for the dead), which was made with venison, pheasant, wild turkey, or peccary.
Currently, it is cooked with pork, thanks to the mixing and culinary adaptation, the meat is cooked with annatto, a sacred plant from the Mayan world that is related to blood, from its seeds a very characteristic red color of the cochinita is extracted, which together with sour orange, cinnamon, a variety of peppers, garlic, salt, and oregano give the meat its unmatched flavor.
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