Home LifestyleExpat Community Kantemó: The cave of the hanging serpents

Kantemó: The cave of the hanging serpents

by Yucatan Times
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Explore the Kantemó caves where snakes wait to hunt one of the thousands of bats that inhabit the site.

Quintana Roo, May 03, 2021, (MXCITY).- Kantemó is located in the state of Quintana Roo and is the name of a cave full of bats. But that would not have anything special if it weren’t for the fact that snakes live in the cavities of its ceiling that have developed the ability to feed by hanging down from the heights to hunt bats on the fly.

In addition, in the depths of the caves, you will see stalactites and fossils, as well as a whole wonderful world where you will find shrimp, mealybugs, white lady, eel, and algae.


The type of snake that inhabits these caves is the tropical mousetrap, so don’t worry, they are not poisonous. Bats belong to six different species, some are insectivores and others are frugivores, and every day, at sunset, they go out in droves in search of food.

It is estimated that for an hour and a half about 100 bats come out per second. The tropical mousetrap is common in the forests of the Yucatan Peninsula, but no other has developed this peculiar way of feeding in the dark.


Although snakes have practically no vision, the uniqueness of this phenomenon has attracted the attention of numerous experts, first, it was the biologist Arturo Bayona Miramontes who investigated and valued this place decades ago, and today it is the community of the Maya people, that has turned this site into a real tourist attraction.


So visiting the place is also reaching a beautiful ecotourism center dedicated to offering unique and unmatched adventure services in the Mexican Republic. The community itself organizes guided tours of the cave and offers packages with meals, accommodation, and other nature-related activities, such as canoe excursions and bird watching.


The visit begins at the facilities that the Beej Kaax Ha cooperative has next to the road that crosses Kantemó. There, in this small visitor reception center, you will be able to know in detail the characteristics of the bats and snakes that you are going to see, they will explain the activity before you start the visit.

Once you put on your helmet and your headlamp, you will pedal your bike towards the cave through the forest. In front of the cave entrance, your guides will provide you with a mask and gloves to make your underground experience as hygienic and safe as possible.


On the ceiling of the cave, you will see countless fossils embedded in what was once the seabed, a perfect example to understand the past of the Yucatan Peninsula. A little further down the darkness is absolute, but this is where you will find the first living beings in the cave.

If luck is with you, you will be able to find a snake hanging from the ceiling to capture a bat in flight, and although like everything in nature this spectacle cannot be guaranteed, it is fascinating. Wear clothes and shoes that can get stained and leave your fears of snakes, bats, the dark and closed spaces at home, because it is an adventure that involves all those “scary” elements.



Where: Yucatán Peninsula, México.

When: Service all year round

How Much: $ 630 pesos p/p

Source: MXCITY

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