Home Business-new Yucatecan scientists create environmentally friendly vehicle

Yucatecan scientists create environmentally friendly vehicle

by Yucatan Times
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In order to generate efficient and environmentally friendly transportation options, a group of researchers from the Yucatan Scientific Research Center (CICY) have created a hybrid energy vehicle that consists of an energy storage system and a photovoltaic mechanism (solar).

Dr. Víctor Manuel Ramírez Rivera, researcher of the Renewable Energy Unit of CICY and leader of this project, commented that the first intention of this car is to propose an alternative transportation not only in rural communities but also in urban areas, so the environmental impact of internal combustion vehicles that use hydrocarbons as an energy source is reduced. In this regard, he explained that this project is the result of the Energy Systems research line, in which the vehicle’s body, breaks, electronic, energy management and electrical systems, as well as the mechanical design have been created by local developers.

Also, the Materials Unit of the CICY, is working in collaboration with the team, in the storage system, where Dr. Gonzalo Canché Escamilla participated, and talking about the body, Dr. Gonzalo Carrillo Baeza and his team, used TrialUM ®, a component made from recycled material, developed by the CICY.

Dr. Víctor Manuel Ramírez Rivera, researcher at the Renewable Energy Unit of the CICY, is the project leader of the new environmental vehicle. The CICY scientist highlighted the main advantage of this new vehicle in comparison with the electric cars, is the fact that the energy flow is taken and stored directly from the photovoltaic system.

“The electric vehicles that currently exist in the market use batteries or a combination of batteries with combustion engines, both technologies with their respective limitations” he said.

Dr. Ramírez Rivera also explained that the design of this car offers less mechanical resistance against the air flow, therefore, this increments energy efficiency. He explained that currently with the energy storage system and the photovoltaic system, the vehicle can travel a distance of 30 km.

Likewise, it was mentioned that this vehicle is designed as a means of transportation for scientific expeditions with the purpose of collecting samples (sandy, rocky or jungle terrains), for scientific exploration in field work, but also  for sustainable tourism activities.

TYT Newsroom with information of SIPSE

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