Home Headlines Mexico’s Army will plant 2,000 endemic trees in three Yucatecan municipalities

Mexico’s Army will plant 2,000 endemic trees in three Yucatecan municipalities

by Yucatan Times
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The XX Motorized Cavalry Regiment of Mexico’s Defense Secretariat (Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional: SEDENA) began a reforestation program in the muncipalities of Tizimín, Temozón and Valladolid on Monday, August 20, in which they intend to plant nearly 2,000 Yucatecan endemic trees, as reported during the program’s inauguration in Valladolid.

The members of the Mexican armed forces will be planting balche trees, mahogany (caoba), ciricote and pink huayacán.

840 plants will be planted along the banks of the bike path that leads to the towns of Ticuch and Yalcón, which will grow to a considerable size in 10 years, and in addition to shade, will provide oxygen to the environment.

The Plan D-N-III-E, military personnel in charge of the reforestation, will be distributed in groups to carry out the work almost simultaneously in the three municipalities, in order to finish the operation this week.


Military authorities, Valladolid mayor Alpha Tavera Escalante and some of her council members were present at the kick off ceremony. Two military trucks transported the soldiers that will carr out the reforestation tasks.


The official and second Lieutenant Ignacio Ferrer García, said that one of the general missions of the Mexican Army and Air Force is to carry out civic actions and social works that contribute to the progress of the country, such as the reforestation campaigns in the municipalities.

“It is a strategy to revert environmental problems, which consists in planting trees where they no longer exist and take good care of them so that they develop properly. A young tree stores an average of 11.3 kg of carbon dioxide per year, which is why it is necessary to plant and maintain 65 trees per person to compensate for the carbon dioxide that we contribute to the atmosphere during our life” he said.

The director of Rural Development, Jorge Manzanilla Cámara, pointed out that the Valladolid City Council donated 1,000 more plants of different species, such as maculis rosa, balché, mahogany, circote and ramón, among others.


In Tizimín, the reforestation program began with the planting of the first 280 trees next to the children’s playground of the Cupules avenue. Members of the Mexican armed forces will  plant about 1,500 endemic trees in this municipality.


In Temozón, the reforestation program contemplates to plant 320 trees in the next few days.

TYT Newsroom with : yucatan.com.mx

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