Home Headlines Quintana Roo feminists propose creating a sex offender record

Quintana Roo feminists propose creating a sex offender record

by Yucatan Times
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This measure seeks to reduce the probability of recidivism and impunity.

The Feminist Network of Quintana Roo proposed creating a State Registry of Sex Offenders, through which the name of people sentenced for the crimes of corruption of minors in their sexual form, child pornography, sex tourism, and rape can be consulted.

Yunitzilim Rodríguez Pedraza, a member of the organization, explained that given the increase in sexual crimes in the state of Quintana Roo, it is necessary to resort to this type of tool to reduce the probability of recidivism and reduce the rates of impunity.

According to information from the National Public Security System, in the last five years, 1,918 sexual abuses have been reported, placing Quintana Roo in the first place at the national level in the incidence of rapes: 294 per 100,000 inhabitants, when the average in the country is 131 per 100,000.

“That is why it is necessary to keep a record that allows us to identify sexual offenders. What will be necessary to discuss at an analysis table is whether only those people who received a sentence will be taken into account, or also those who face a complaint, although they have not yet been processed, ”said the also academic from the University of Quintana Roo.

According to information from the State Attorney General’s Office, only 3 out of 10 people denounced for sexual abuse go to jail. The rest goes free.

“Of course, only those aggressors who were reported to the Prosecutor’s Office may be considered, to guarantee that a hunt against anyone is not carried out,” Rodríguez Pedraza concluded.

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