Home Feature Dictatorship in Mexico?

Dictatorship in Mexico?

by Yucatan Times
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Yesterday journalist Pablo Hiriart from the newspaper El Financiero, published an editorial that set social networks on fire in Mexico.

The article says that last Thursday, April 23rd, a tonnage missile arrived at the Low Chamber of Congress. This is a reform project that, if successful, will leave the Legislative Branch as an ornament. The project is not presented by a legislator but comes with the signature of the President of the Republic. Whether he wins or loses the elections of next 20121, he and no one else will have absolute control over the Budget.

There will be no counterbalance in the Legislative Power, we will see democracy collapse and the crushing millions of Mexicans, because of López Obrador’s ideological obsessions.

This is what happens in dictatorships and authoritarian regimes. Lopez Obrador has openly said that this crisis came as a “ring to his finger”. Now he has sent “the ring”, for approval, to the Lower Chamber.
Under the pretext of the COVID-19 crisis, AMLO will strike a blow at Congress to keep all the power in his hands.

The initiative that AMLO sent last Thursday 23 seeks to reform the Federal Law of Budget and Treasury Responsibility so that its Article 21 will be as follows:
“In case of economic emergencies, the Ministry (of Finance) may redirect resources allocated in the Expenditure Budget to maintain the execution of projects and priority actions of the Federal Public Administration”.
With this, it cancels the powers of the Lower Chamber in budgetary matters. Forecast, before his party and allies lose absolute control of the Chamber in next year’s elections, AMLO wants to change the rules of the game.

The President will be able to change the budget without the approval of Congress. In short, it doesn’t matter what congressmen discuss, agree and vote on. The Executive Branch will assume the function of the Legislative Branch. This is a blow from one power to another. Lopez Obrador will decide the changes approved in a sovereign manner by another authority. He will concentrate in his person the powers that democracy had separated.

One more step towards dictatorship, will be tried to be specified this week, before the end of the ordinary period of sessions – the last day of this month.

With this, López Obrador will concentrate the Executive, the Legislative in the allocation of spending, and the Judicial, where he already has the subordination of a good part of the members of that power.

This is a clear indicator that there are already several initiatives by the government and his party that reveal the tyranny they have in mind.

The top leadership of the federal government, headed by the Ministry of the Interior and the Attorney General’s Office, brought to the Senate a package of constitutional reforms that proposed:

“Imprisonment of any person for the accusation of a crime, without previous trial.

It is enough for the government to consider a person a suspect to impose a sentence.

It proposed to imprison from three to six years anyone who disseminates information that offends a person, whether it is true or false”.

Goodbye to a fair trial, goodbye free press.

On that occasion, Morena’s coordinator in the Senate, Ricardo Monreal, asked them not to present that package of initiatives because they were brutal and irrational.

However he validated as ok, the evidence the government obtained illegally, and the telephone espionage of taxpayers and political parties.

Two weeks ago, a legislator from Morena presented a bill to nationalize the management of resources in the Afore (private retirement funds), and Morena’s coordinator Mario Delgado calmed the waters by saying that his parliamentary group did not support the proposal. But the probe was launched to measure the reactions.

A few days ago, another legislator from Morena proposed a new law so that the parliamentary coordinators could approve the suspension of individual guarantees, as suggested by the President of the Republic. Again, Delgado came out to point out that it was an individual proposal and not from Morena’s party. It was stopped, for now.

However, this initiative, which cancels the Legislative and hands over its budgetary powers to the Executive, comes with the President’s signature. Nobody is going to stop it. Saying no to AMLO terrifies them, and they act even against their conscience to avoid his anger.

This week we will likely witness a hard blow against democracy, and we will observe how one man accumulates power and more power. Nothing will matter if he loses the election in 2021.

Mexico is ceasing to be a democracy and becoming a dictatorship.

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