Home LifestyleArt and Culture Events in Merida at truly affordable prices

Events in Merida at truly affordable prices

by Yucatan Times
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A wide cultural and artistic offer in Merida, at the “Daniel Ayala Perez” theatre.

Dance, theater and circus art are part of the program that the theater “Daniel Ayala Perez” offers in Merida this month, as part of the objectives of the Sedeculta to ensure universal access to culture for all Yucatecans through a varied and high quality artistic offer.

Located in the historic Downtown of the city, and managed by the Ministry of Culture and Arts, the Daniel Ayala Theatre is a space for the enjoyment of expressions and productions of various disciplines.

On Friday, March 13, at 7pm, the show Tejido de Pesadillas o el sueño que elijo tejer (Weaving of Nightmares or the Dream I Choose to Weave), directed by Alejandra Argoytia, will be presented.

In the play, spectators will enter the secrets of a family, their emotions and choices that change fates. The entrance fee is 70 pesos overall and 50 pesos for students and those who have the card for senior citizen discount (Inapam).

Attractive artistic offer

On Saturday 14th, at 8pm, the beauty of traditional music and dance from one region of Asia will be presented in the Korean Dance Fusion show by the Mugunghwa group.

The tour will start with a trip to the past of oriental dance and will show an evolution of the popular Kpop, a genre that mixes electronic sounds, hip, hop, rock or blues. The cost of the ticket is 100 pesos in general and 50 pesos for students, people with Inapam credential and Korean descendants.

Finally, the staging of La rueda del tiempo maya (The Wheel of Maya Time), will have performances on Wednesday 18th and Tuesday 24th as well as the 31st March at 8pm. Through circus acrobatics, performed on the cyr wheel, a metal ring of almost two meters in diameter, artists tell a story that promotes the identity of our culture.

The Yucatan Times

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