Home Business-new Satellites will be manufactured in Yucatan

Satellites will be manufactured in Yucatan

by Yucatan Times
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Earlier this month, governor Mauricio Vila Dosal signed a letter of intent with the Spanish company Deimos Elecnor group, to make an investment in the aerospace and satellite industry in the State, for an approximate amount of 130 million US dollars in its first stage.

The idea is to install a technology center in satellite and space, where 200 engineers will work directly and 600 employees more will collaborate indirectly, with the purpose of building communication and research satellites.

Likewise, a new investment of 700 million dollars was made for the installation of two wind farms in Panabá and Sucilá, which construction will generate one thousand new jobs.

With this type of investment, Yucatan is positioned at the forefront in technology, as it will be the first state in Mexico where communication and research satellites will be built, which means the consolidation of the state in the world of the aerospace industry .

These new investments for Yucatan are the result of the work mission carried out last June to Paris, France, during the “53 International Paris Air Show 2019”, where Vila Dosal met with directors and representatives of some of the most important aeronautical companies in the world.

The Governor traveled to Spain to finalize the signing of the letter of intent for this project, which places our state at the forefront in foreign investment of this level, not only in Mexico but in all Latin America.


The letter of intent expresses the legitimate interest in investing in Yucatan, previous studies of feasibility and sustainability analysis of the project. That is why they will be working with federal and state authorities.

The Governor met with Miguel Bello Mora, CEO of Elecnor Deimos Space, at the satellite factory located in Puertollano, near Madrid, where the mission control and monitoring center is located, which has the monitoring and monitoring antennas. Reception of all images sent by satellites.

The visit was guided by the director of the Deimos Space Center, Inmaculada Serrano, who showed the Governor the platform and the way in which the rockets are monitored, as well as the screens where the images are visualized with the data captured by satellites. In the Spanish city of Puertollano, they also visited the satellite manufacturing space center and the so-called “white rooms”, which are pressurized and sterilized areas where satellites are assembled and programmed according to the use they will have.

On behalf of Deimos Elecnor group, the signing of the letter of intent was in charge of Bello Mora and, as a witness, was the mayor of Puertollano, Spain Isabel Rodríguez García.

Vila Dosal also met with Francisco Javier Cruces López, general director of “Elecnor Infraestructuras” and with Marco Antonio Morales Castillo, Latin American Business Development Manager, to follow up on the agreement signed in the province of Puertollano and confirm the investment of 700 million US dollars for wind farms in Panabá and Sucilá, YUcatán; that will create one thousand new jobs only during the construction phase of the facilities. The energy generated by these complexes will be equivalent to the consumption of 500 thousand households.

Letter of intent signed by Elecnor and Yucatan State Government (Photo YA)

The Spanish investment for the satellite manufacturing space center will be completed in approximately two years. The first year for the installation of the Space Center satellite-manufacturing complex, taking into account that the preparation of a satellite takes, more or less, two years.

These projects will generate highly paid jobs, because they require specialized professionals such as engineers, programmers and those who can read and interpret the images emitted by the satellite.

The information collected by the satellites could be used for coastal surveillance, security, search for lost fishermen, transit of vessels, airplanes, migration issues, meteorology, hurricane monitoring, damage control, control of forest fire, etc. This is information that has infinite applications, which can be sold to other Mexican state or countries in Central or South America.

Of Spanish origin, Elecnor is today one of the leading global corporations in engineering, development and construction of infrastructure projects. It is also a prominent promoter and investor in the fields of renewable energy, concessions for energy and environment infrastructure and space.

With nearly 13,000 employees worldwide, 250 of them in Mexico, Elecnor operates in 53 countries on five continents, with special emphasis on America, where it has nine of its 11 stable markets.

And among them, Mexico is one of the most important in terms of turnover, investment and number of employees.

After having a first approach at the Paris Aerospace Fair, when they were presented with the ideal characteristics for the investment in Yucatan, Spanish businessmen visited our State in July, touring several areas such as the science park and verifying the capital specialized human, quality of life, security, strategic location, port infrastructure and all the issues that have to do with the project.

With the arrival of Elecnor Deimos Space, it is sought to create an entire ecosystem for other similar companies that are looking at the Yucatan as an excellent option to invest and settle down. The idea is that if a company as important in the field as Elecnor Deimos has decided to install such infrastructure in Yucatan, it is because the region has everything they need to operate in the best working conditions.

The Yucatan Times Newsroom

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