Home Headlines EDITORIAL: Spring Breakers chanting “Build That Wall” in Cancun is unacceptable

EDITORIAL: Spring Breakers chanting “Build That Wall” in Cancun is unacceptable

by Yucatan Times

CANCUN — What would be a dream night for Suly and Anaximandro Amable, a newly married couple who went to Cancun for their honeymoon, became a bitter experience on Monday March 13.

During a family show on the high seas, young American spring breakers began to sing the controversial “Build That Wall” chant, which shocked Mexican national tourists and workers.

This is just one of the many blameworthy behaviors that young spring breakers have shown recently in Cancun and that are described as acts of xenophobia and discrimination against Mexicans within their own country, which is (or should be) totally unacceptable.

Anaximandro, from Perú, made the following statement on social networks: “Today I was with Suly, my wife (who is a native of Mexico), watching an entertainment show off the coast of Cancun aboard a boat, and at the end of the show, a flock of Americans (maybe under the influence of alcohol, or maybe not), began to sing the infamous “Build that wall” chant louder and louder”.


This chant became popular across the US in the wake of Trump’s Election Day victory. And it went viral on social networks, when students at a Michigan middle school began chanting Build the wall!” during lunch on the day after Trump’s election, November 17, 2016.

The “Pirate Ship” sails out from Puerto Juárez, and the show takes place in the middle of the ocean, where attendees can witness the clashing of swords and the explosion of cannons along with a constant flow of drinks.

Several Mexican tourists on board the ship expressed their annoyance, but the Americans did not stop at all and continued singing the racist hymn.

This situation is far from being an isolated incident, and it adds to the growing number of complaints from tourism sector workers, who point out that in recent days many Spring Breakers have been offensive, rude and haughty towards Mexican people.

pirate ship 2

American Tourists at Pirate Ship Cancún (Photo: Google)

post anaximandro

Anaximandro Amable Facebook post (Source; Facebook)

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Shannon March 18, 2017 - 10:26 am

I apologize on behalf of the ignorance of our american travelers to your beautiful country. I am pissed to read this. We travel here alot and love how we are treated by everyone. How dare these young people. Do not go here and or anywhere acting like this. It is rude and you all should be ashamed of your actions. Drunk or not. It’s not right…. Don’t ruin it for the nice normal people who love this place.

Linda Barwick March 18, 2017 - 12:02 pm

I am appalled by this behavior. They should be sent home immediately.

NetMad March 19, 2017 - 3:07 pm

Personally I would not waste a minute of my time in Mexico but how many times have Mexican nationals waved the Mexican flag here, disregarded our border laws, killed our citizens and booed our national anthem at soccer games? We have had to put up with this kind of rude, disrespectful behavior for years. Glad you people got a little taste of it too.

Son of a LEGAL immigrant March 19, 2017 - 8:25 pm

How is building a wall on the border racist? If these kids hated Mexicans why the hell would they be in….MEXICO. You people are morons. It about stopping the ILLEGALS whether they are from China, Mexico, or North Africa.

Alix Smith March 20, 2017 - 6:24 am

The Americans vacationing in Mexico were very rude! I’m not excusing their behavior but why don’t we read articles on this site that show illegal Mexicans in the USA burning our flag, booing our National Anthem, and holding signs stating “Make America Mexico again”! Both parties need a refresher course in proper manners!

Patriotic American March 20, 2017 - 6:30 am

What is good for the gringos is good for them as well. They invade our country, even have their own channel where Gorge Ramos claim it is “their country”. I am sick of it! Where is our Gringo channel where we can broadcast Mexico is “our country”?

“Build the wall!”

ConcernedCitizen March 20, 2017 - 6:33 am

I don’t get it; how is this unacceptable? Mexicans do things in our country all the time that are much worse, but no one ever says they are unacceptable? One-way bias here?

alix smith March 20, 2017 - 6:33 am

While I don’t condone Americans in Mexico being so rude it seems like both sides need a course in proper manners. I have never seen this site show Illegal Mexicans burning the US flag, booing our National Anthem, or holding signs stating “Make America Mexico Again”! Many Americans and Mexicans could certainly use a refresher course in proper manners!

alix smith March 20, 2017 - 6:35 am

Not too biased. Do you only print opinions that you agree with?

Michael March 20, 2017 - 6:41 am

What a surprise: stupid kids do rude things. If it were happening in any country besides Mexico, I might actually feel bad about it.

Mexico shows NO respect for the US, and it’s government and people deserve NO respect in return.

Build the wall!

Red Avenger March 20, 2017 - 6:53 am

Building a wall is not racist. Mexico’s southern border is fortified against Central Americans – is that racist?

Donald March 20, 2017 - 6:55 am

Build that wall!

Joe March 20, 2017 - 6:59 am

Interesting. The Mexican government enforces its immigration laws, but the US cannot? It is pure hypocrisy for the Mexican government to knowingly allow hundreds of thousands of people from South America and their people to cross illegally into the US placing a huge social and financial burden on the American people.

LOL March 20, 2017 - 6:59 am

If other countries would follow the path of freedom, liberty, individual rights and private property (as opposed to government control), they would be economically successful and have no reason to claw their way into the US. Don’t worry, with the US barreling towards government control on both the left and right, our economy will soon be so bad no one will want to immigrate anymore, anyways.

Aleric March 20, 2017 - 7:03 am

Oh boo hoo, I see the snowflakes are falling in Cancun, perhaps the Cartels will give you a break on the bribes they collect this month.

Edward K March 20, 2017 - 7:06 am

Think about it ! They are expressing the same free speech, that those who have ILLEGALLY entered the U.S. do so here. So can, your selective and thus phony….. outrage !! Get over it !

Boycott Mexico March 20, 2017 - 7:19 am

I agree “Build that Wall.” Every American visiting
Mexico should say and and sing it after every
“Buenos Dias.” If the Mexicans don’t
like it than let’s take the next step and Boycott
Mexico and stop celebrating Cinco de Mayo.

Bob March 20, 2017 - 7:24 am

Cancun is an Americanized colony of Mexico. As long as they take their money, they can do what they want. Mexicans do the same in America. Go to Corpus Christi during Easter and watch what they do. They also display their flag and disgrace the US flag in US. Total BS.

Drew C March 20, 2017 - 7:54 am

While this is indeed offensive and disappointing, it is no worse than the Mexicans who enter the United States illegally, and burn the American flag in protests, wave the Mexican flag, chant ‘make America Mexico again,’ or ‘Osama! Osama!’ At the US national soccer team.

hound13 March 20, 2017 - 7:54 am

…interestingly; in about a week those spring-breakers will be back at home, leaving behind a small fortune in greenbacks. Over serving students,many of whom can’t legally drink in the US, and shockingly, they act “rude”. I’ve been to Cancun several times; always try to treat the people w/respect and courtesy. Seems pretty mild to me; unless you’re seeking “outrage”…

Maria Sandoval March 20, 2017 - 8:03 am

I guess those of you who are critical of the students don’t mind when Mexican illegal aliens chant “no wall” in the US. Of course you do you hypocrites.
Building a wall is not xenophobic or discriminatory. How would you respond if someone broke into your house, ate your food, made you pay for their education and healthcare, and used your bank account?

Matt S March 20, 2017 - 8:04 am

Boy, this editorial didn’t quite go the way the author planned, did it? LOL.

Perhaps a bit of comeuppance is in order for the people who denigrate all things American, burning our flag, booing our national anthem, etc., yet can’t wait to cross our borders illegally and expect to be rewarded with immediate citizenship and all benefits thereof.

Build that wall!

James Ortagus March 20, 2017 - 8:21 am

The wall just got ten feet higher. Mexicans should come here the right way, then we will welcome you into our great Nation. If you come here illegally, you need to stay in your own country.

Jay Ess March 20, 2017 - 8:25 am

Hey you invaders and illegal immigrants have racist attitudes all the time in US, as if it’s your country. Too bad, deal with it. You like our US money but not us. Maybe we don’t like you either.

Morton Kramer March 20, 2017 - 8:38 am

Wondering if these kids were just responding to the ill-behaved illegals in our country who continue to protest, step on our flag and beat their chest while spouting how proud they are to be latino.

Pardon me if I don’t take so much righteous umbrage at these college kids.

John Smith March 20, 2017 - 8:40 am

Build that Wall… a racist Chant??? Let’s not get carried away here… seriously!!

Chales March 20, 2017 - 8:54 am



Break the law, back you go, no way jose, ho ho ho!

Noelia March 20, 2017 - 9:14 am

The racism in the comment section of this post is disgusting. All you ignorant internet trolls are in your safe space behind a keyboard and behind the illusion that you’re better than other people. Y’all can’t and won’t make America white again bc it was never white to begin with. Your damn white-lash will fizzle out soon enough. All of you and your disgrace for a leader are sad and your racist, facial mentalities will be a thing of the past once we all witness and endure the shit show you’re putting our country through. Love will win!

Notbuyingit March 20, 2017 - 9:19 am

Hmmmmm all these offended people but no video footage. But a still picture of people(maybe Americans or maybe not) clonking glasses in a toast. Yup that confirms the claims. I have seen way tooop many of these stories debunked to buy it. Sorry. Just cause the media says it doesn’t make it true. A totally uninvestigated claim passes as fact. FAKE NEWS

Cindy Lou March 20, 2017 - 9:32 am

First of all, yes they should have watched their behavior, after all they could have easily ended up in some hell hole jail for 40 years….but their behavior is nothing different from the illegals that WE ‘educate’ here in the U.S. that walk out of schools and go to the street and riot and protest AGAINST the United States. Along with the thousands upon thousands of illegals that take to the streets in protest AGAINST the U.S. all the while, they’re taking OUR benefits and in our Country illegaly. Two wrongs don’t make a right as they say, but at least these guys that were rude in Cancun, was there LEGALLY. The ones we have here in the U.S.A. who act rude, violent and riot in the streets are not!

bob March 20, 2017 - 9:55 am

Build that wall!

Jess Sain March 20, 2017 - 10:43 am

So, you come here and say outrageous stupid things such as this country is yours, commit crimes, freeload and cause us great expense and drunken college kids chanting build the wall crushes your very existence? Butch up snowflake, and you will pay for the wall.

Confucius March 20, 2017 - 10:44 am






Have a nice apoplectic moment…

kek March 20, 2017 - 12:09 pm

I haven’t heard any Mexican apologies for illegally using my tax dollars to buy themselves strollers, iphones, milk, and housing here in the USA. #buildthewall and FAST.

Marc B. March 20, 2017 - 12:30 pm

As soon as illegal alien Mexicans in the US stop voicing their opinions publicly, I will be sure to reprimand the US tourists in Mexico.

mr_the_reality_check March 20, 2017 - 12:41 pm

No video. No names. Lots of leftist outrage over a Facebook post some random user made making unsubstantiated wild allegations.

The truth is:

Leftie liberals make up stories like this and then screech about them showing their total ignorance and contempt for any view that opposes theirs. They LOVE criminals and have zero care about their victims. As there are zero hate crimes to scream about, they are constantly making them up. So full of hate. Hopefully one day they will grow up.

Lagarto Grande September 16, 2019 - 9:40 pm

Boorish amerikans are everywhere. Throw more booze down their throats till they shut the fu*k up and pass out…then abscond with their valuables. The ugly amerikan is a time honoured and reprehensible animal. Insular and covertly racist. Genetically infirm with it’s god given right to be an asshole anywhere on earth it happens to find it’s knuckle dragging, cross eyed self. These boorish no minds should just go to Disney or on one of those vapid, consumerist and culturally imperialistic cruise barges they seem so fond of. Where they can be with their own kind and listen to all the “new country” music they want. Even the ones who think they are progressive are not. There is still that amerikan that comes oozing out of them whenever they open their mouth. Their whole non-culture is based on appropriation, either economically or by force. Yeah, I am sure there will be a reader or 4 that does not like what I am saying here. So, ya don’t like it? Can’t take the truth about your pushy asshole amerikan brethren?

Well…just call in an air strike. You will be a credit to your race.

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