In the survey presented by “México Elige”, corresponding to the month of January of this year, in the ranking of well-approved governors Mauricio Vila Dosal is located in eighth position and is also in the third position of presidential candidates.
As a well-qualified governor, he has a 65.9 percent approval rating.
When asked who they would like to be the PAN presidential candidate in 2024, the general population answered: Santiago Creel, with 26.8%, Lily Téllez, with 23.9%, and Mauricio Vila Dosal, with 15.0%.
On a recent visit to Yucatán, the national president of the PAN, Marko Cortés, pointed out that Vila is a good card for the presidential elections, although the 2024 candidacy has not yet been defined.
Regarding the survey of well-qualified leaders, the PAN governor of Querétaro Mauricio Kuri González heads the list with 71.4% approval, followed by the Morenista Julio Menchaca Salazar, from Hidalgo, with 71.3%, then the PAN member Tere Jiménez, from Aguascalientes, with 70.7%, followed by José Ricardo Gallardo Calderón, from PVEM, from San Luis Potosí.
in the fifth position is Rubén Rocha, from Sinaloa (Morena), in the sixth position Salomón Jara Cruz (Morena), from Oaxaca, and in the seventh, Sergio Salomón Céspedes, from Puebla (Morena. In last place is David Monreal Ávila, from Zacatecas (Morena), with 17.4% approval.

Mayors of Mexico
As for the mayors, the one from Mérida, Renán Barrera Concha, is in the sixth place, with 59.5%. The first place is headed by Bibi Rabelo de la Torre, from Campeche, (MC), with 62.7%; in second, Elia Margarita Moreno González, with 60.8%, from Colima (PAN); in third position, Ricardo Ahued Bardahuil, with 60.2%, from Jalapa (Morena); in fourth is Antonio Astiazarán Gutiérrez, from Hermosillo, with 60.1% (PAN) and then Enrique Galindo Ceballos, from San Luis Potosí, with 59.8%, from the PRI.
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