WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Donald Trump signed his NAFTA 2.0 trade deal, despite serious, high-profile concerns over the proposal from leading members of Congress.
Virtually all leading environmental organizations are united in opposition to this deal that would lock in more climate disruption and toxic pollution for decades to come. The Sierra Club previously evaluated the text against the fundamental changes the environmental community has repeatedly called for. The revised deal fails on each of 7 core environmental priorities. Recent polling that found over 60% of voters believe trade agreements should reinforce the Paris Climate Agreement, include binding standards to limit pollution, and ensure independent enforcement of environmental standards. Donald Trump’s NAFTA 2.0 includes none of the above, and in fact, Trump’s deal does not even mention climate change. In response, Sierra Club Living Economy Director Ben Beachy released the following statement: “Donald Trump’s NAFTA 2.0 is the latest instance of him selling out clean air and water, climate stability, and our health to corporate polluters. The American people and all people across borders deserve a modern trade deal that supports climate action, good clean energy jobs, and enforceable protections for workers, communities, and the planet. The Sierra Club looks forward to working with Congress and the next Administration to craft a new model of trade that protects people, not polluters.” by Javier Sierra Contact Javier Sierra, [email protected] Visit Sierra Club: www.sierraclub.org/ecocentro.
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Trump Signs Toxic NAFTA 2.0 Despite Major Opposition (OPINION)