Home NewsCrime Off-duty police officers involved in a traffic accident in Southern Merida

Off-duty police officers involved in a traffic accident in Southern Merida

by Yucatan Times
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An accident occurred on Saturday, May 25th, in the streets of southern Mérida after two “off duty” agents of the SSP led a chase after crashing while under the influence of alcohol.

According to witnesses, both subjects were dressed as police officers wearing their uniforms aboard a car. They allegedly caused an accident on 50th Street but instead of stopping, they fled and tried to escape from their colleagues who began to chase them.

On the corner of 46-B Street with the intersection of Constitución Avenue, in Colonia Santa Rosa, they ran a stop sign and collided with another vehicle that caused them to overturn.

The SSP agents immediately arrested them, the drunken officers tried to convince them not to detain them, they were their colleagues.

However, several witnesses confirmed that they were members of the state police.

They were boarded in a van that took them to the central building on the outskirts of Mérida.
They will be brought before a control judge to face the charges and damages they caused while under the influence.

TYT Newsroom

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