Home Feature Yucatán police the best in the country

Yucatán police the best in the country

by Yucatan Times
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Yucatán has the highest percentage of trained police officers in the country, and at the same time has two police officers per 1,000 inhabitants, almost double of the national average, which makes it a safe and violence-free state, as a result of the strategies promoted by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal in conjunction with Yucatecan society.

According to the results of the sixth National Diagnosis of the Preventive Police of the Federal Entities, conducted by the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (Sesnsp), with a cut-off date of June 2019, in Yucatan 92.3 percent of all police officers have attended the workshop “The police function and its effectiveness in the first acts of investigation”, a figure higher than the national percentage of 54.8 percent, which ranked first among the entities with the highest percentage in Mexico.

The report highlights that Yucatan ranks third for registering two police officers per 1,000 inhabitants, higher than the minimum standard of 1.8 police officers per 1,000 inhabitants established by the National Public Security Council and almost double the national state of force of 1.05 police officers per 1,000 people.

In addition, the State ranks fourth and sixth among those with the highest percentage of police officers who have taken the “Joint Criminal Investigation” and “First Respondent Function” workshops, respectively; in addition, these trainings are part of the updates to which the state of the operative force must be submitted in terms of the Criminal Justice System.

In terms of control and confidence, 72.1 percent of Yucatecan police officers have been approved and compared to the 2018 diagnosis there was an increase of 13.1 points, making it the fifth state with the greatest progress.

It should be noted that the diagnosis recommends that state governments in the country should make an effort to give their police forces better working conditions and benefits and in this regard, Yucatan is the number one of the 10 entities that gives its preventive police force all the labor improvements, in addition, the average net salary of the police basic scale in Yucatan is $12,260 pesos, a figure 23.4 percent higher than the national standard of $9,933.

To continue placing Yucatan as an example in terms of security, Vila Dosal has promoted various actions regarding the importance of police work, as from August were granted scholarships of 100 percent for children of agents to pursue university studies in public or private schools, in addition to receiving a support of two thousand 600 pesos bimonthly to cover transportation costs and food, among others.

Similarly, Vila Dosal works a program with the Institute of the “National Housing Fund for Workers” (Infonavit), focused on elements of the Secretariat of Public Security (SSP) can access decent housing in a credit that can be covered in the long term.

To monitor the metropolitan area, which grows north and west of the city, the Governor launched the Metropolitan Police, which has 383 elements and 80 vehicles, including vans, patrols and motorcycles to monitor this area, in addition to an operational network of alcoholometer, review of vehicles entering the state, review of pawn shops and nightclubs.


The Yucatán Times

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