Home LifestyleExpat Community UADY offers Spanish classes to foreign residents in Mérida

UADY offers Spanish classes to foreign residents in Mérida

by Magali Alvarez
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For the first time the Centro Institucional de Lenguas de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (CIL-UADY), offers Spanish courses to foreign residents who live in Yucatán and want to learn the language.

According to specialists, there are many people who live or are coming to live in Merida without knowing how to speak the language of the place where they came to live.

Given the need to facilitate the life of these people in the state, CIL-UADY offers the workshop ‘Spanish for survival in Yucatán’, which will be given from April to May.

Regarding this workshop, Karina Abreu Cano indicated that the creation of this workshop arose from comments received by those who attend to learn about gastronomy and urban traditions, historical spaces, Yucatecan Spanish, the art of the city, among other aspects of the state.

Registration for Spanish classes in Yucatán has already begun.
Registration for the course began on March 23 and will end next Friday, April 14, 2023.

Photo: La Verdad

Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from April 18 to Tuesday, May 23, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the University Cultural Center, located on 60th Street by 57th Street in downtown Yucatan.

For those who are interested and are looking for more information about this course, they can request more information by emailing [email protected], or via WhatsApp at 9996 472026 or through Facebook/Centro Institucional de Lenguas (CIL) of the UADY.

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