(MERIDA, YUC. – TYT).- More than a medal, the “Silvio Zavala” Medal for Culture and the Arts is a way of recognizing those who have dedicated their lives to promoting art and culture.
This year, it will be the Yucatecan actress Ofelia Medina who will receive this distinction, in a Solemn Session of the Cabildo next Monday, February 7, at 7:00 p.m. in the Central Patio of the Mérida Olimpo Cultural Center.
The transmission of the ceremony can be followed through the official YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/AyuntamientoDeMerida/
Ofelia Medina is known as a director, playwright, actress and defender of Human Rights.

(Photo: Yucatan al instante)
The call was open from October to December of last year for the reception of proposals digitally and in person. The award is granted by agreement reached in a Public Session of the Cabildo, prior opinion of the ruling committee and the designation of the merits of the proposed person.
Until now, Adolfo Patrón Luján (1914), Armando Manzanero (1915), Bertha de la Peña Casares (1916) and Manuel Lizama Salazar (1917), all four of whom are deceased, have been recognized with the medal. It was also delivered to Maricarmen Pérez (2018), Gabriel Ramírez Aznar (2019), Hilaria Maas Collí (2020, deceased) and Dr. Rubén Reyes Ramírez (2021).
This award pays tribute to the outstanding historian, humanist diplomat and man committed to letters, Don Silvio Arturo Zavala Vallado, who died in December 2014 in Mexico City.
María Ofelia Medina Torres, known as Ofelia Medina, has a consolidated career of more than five decades of activity, with participation in cinema, Mexican television and the work she has carried out, since 1985, with communities of indigenous peoples for the defense of their Rights. As a playwright and passionate about poetry, she has created shows for Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Rosario Castellanos and Frida Khalo, among others. She has received international awards and distinctions for her acting work, such as the Silver Goddess and in 2021 she was awarded the Golden Ariel for her career.
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