Home Business-newBusiness “Green tax” will go against companies that pollute in Yucatán

“Green tax” will go against companies that pollute in Yucatán

by Yucatan Times
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The “green tax” will be for those that do not comply with measures to protect the environment.

MÉRIDA, Yucatán.- Fernando Ponce Díaz, president of Coparmex Yucatán, pointed out that by 2022 the only tax considered in the Yucatán government’s budget package is the “green tax” on companies that do not comply with measures to safeguard the environment. He assured that Yucatán is very clear that conserving the planet is the best measure for everyone.

The leader of the employers’ sector pointed out that representatives participated very actively in the sessions of the State Budget Analysis Council, in which they reached agreements in favor of Yucatan.

He indicated that the only tax approved was the one already known as “green tax” that will have to be paid by companies and enterprises that pollute the soil, air or waters of Yucatan.

“Companies and businessmen who invest in Yucatan will have to adjust to measures and norms in favor of the environment, so they will not have to pay this tax, they will have to be clean and environmentally friendly,” he pointed out.

He insisted that these new taxes are to guarantee that the companies that generate gases or polluting substances to the air, soil or water pay what is necessary and contribute to actions to combat climate change.

“There are still businessmen who have these practices, we know they are still the minority, but now they can work and allocate the resources to be clean and sustainable companies, they will have to pay, it was the only thing left, the rest is to save expenses according to the budget reduction made by the Federation”, he assured.

According to the proposal sent by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, a tax is contemplated for the emission of gases into the atmosphere, which will be 2.70 UMA for each ton of carbon dioxide and for contaminants to the soil, subsoil and water, which is established at 0.27 UMA for each square meter of contaminated soil; 0.10 UMA for each m3 of contaminated water.

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