Home Feature Federation monopolizes COVID-19 vaccine.

Federation monopolizes COVID-19 vaccine.

by Yucatan Times
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The party in power brags that the immunization plan is on track thanks to the “4T” government.

MEXICO CITY (El Universal) – Morena’s national leadership and some of its legislators brag that thanks to the Fourth Transformation government, Mexico already has the second and third shipments of the vaccines against Covid-19. They claim it will be applied for free. Opposition politicians accuse the Federation and the ruling party of using the doses as government propaganda on the eve of next year’s electoral campaign.

In Morena’s official Twitter, a video is projected announcing that they will donate half of their 2021 budget, approximately one billion pesos, to support President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in the purchase of vaccines and thus guarantee the right to health of Mexicans.

The day before, Morena tweeted in the official account of that social network: “The second and third shipment of vaccines against #COVID19 arrived on time and in good shape at CDMX and Monterrey. Thanks to the government of #4T, the National Vaccination Plan is already underway, and everyone will have access to health” [sic].

Opposition politicians accuse the federal government of monopolizing the doses. They demanded that it allow the states, municipalities, and any citizen to acquire doses against the pandemic, as will happen in the United States.

The Federalist Alliance governors asked society not to be diverted by the arrivals of small shipments of the doses and better pay attention to the number of Mexicans immunized so that the scope of the government’s free, universal vaccination campaign will be measured.

Former President Vicente Fox Quesada said that it is necessary that, in the exercise of freedom, state, and municipal governments and individuals can buy vaccines independently. “It is necessary that, in [the] exercise of our FREEDOM, the state and municipal governments and individuals can buy vaccines. It is our right! [sic],” he posted on Twitter.

The national leader of the PAN national, Marko Cortés, demanded that the 4T leave behind the political, centralist and electoral management of the vaccine and apply a professional plan with scientific criteria. That way, it reaches the entire population through the national vaccination system, including the state health systems, without any conditions or limitations. Besides being unacceptable, he added, that it is the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, who assumes the Ministry of Health (SSA).

“We ask the Moreno government to make transparent how the vaccines’ distribution will be among the most vulnerable population of the states. We still have time to avoid more pain and more deaths. Our governments are prepared and have the economic resources to buy and apply the vaccines in their states. The more collaboration there is, the sooner we will get out of the health crisis,” insisted the PAN politician.

Cortés Mendoza reminded that there is no legal impediment for the state governments to buy and apply vaccines since they are also health authorities, so it is petty and criminal to block the federal entities’ acquisition.

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