Home Feature AMLO’s false discourse about “the poor first.”

AMLO’s false discourse about “the poor first.”

by Yucatan Times
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The president of Mexico said that “a choice had to be made.” Although areas such as Nacajuca (where extremely poor people live) were affected, Villahermosa was prevented from being completely flooded.

TABASCO Mexico (Times Media Mexico) – AMLO’s confession caused a tremendous surprise among his base. Yesterday, Sunday, November 15, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that he preferred not to flood Villahermosa, but rather the lower areas of Tabasco -where “the poorest” live- that is, the Chontal areas, communities that “he always remembers, because that is where his social base began.” 

On Sunday, November 8, in a meeting with the media in the Malecón of Villahermosa, the president rejected that there was a preference for Tabasco’s capital and that other municipalities were being abandoned “these are rumors of disinformation,” he assured. AMLO’s motto for the last 20 years has been “the poor first,” however, with this confession about “the less of the evils,” his speech did not fit with reality, and his words went underwater.

“With the closing of the Macayo floodgate, all the water from the dam continued through Samaria to the lower zone… Jalpa, Nacajuca, Centla, that’s where we have the problem,” said the president. “We had to choose between inconveniences, not to flood Villahermosa and that the water would go out through Samaria, through the lower areas. Of course, the people of Nacajuca were wrecked, the poorest, but we had to make a decision, now we are helping there, below, and where most of the people of Tabasco live a major flood was avoided,” he added.

“Now it has rained more than in 2007, and Villahermosa was not flooded as it was then”. He boasted about the government’s response. The president flew over Centla, a town “of the most affected now, by the flood,” and said it is one of the points where they concentrate their emergency response efforts.

Previously, Lopez Obrador observed the Peñitas dam from the air and mentioned that “the situation is already different, the water level has dropped a lot. Things are getting better,” he bragged.

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