Home Headlines Incredibly, one-decade old hyperbaric chamber at O’Horán Hospital has never been used

Incredibly, one-decade old hyperbaric chamber at O’Horán Hospital has never been used

by Yucatan Times
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“The Hyperbaric Chamber at the O’Horán Hospital undergoes an evaluation to determine the functionality and feasibility of the equipment that has not been used for almost a decade”, informed the Secretary of Health of Yucatan (SSY), Mauricio Sauri Vivas.

Without advancing on the commissioning, he clarified that “, whose results will be obtained shortly, although he did not specify any date.

Sauri Vivas said: “”the analysis is being carried out, we must evalute the situarion first, and then make the decisions”.

The idea is to put the hyperbaric chamber into operation, and take advantage of this equipment which can serve up to 23 patients at a time.

Sauri Vivas explained that the equipment has not been used for more than six years and one decade ago it was considered state-of-the-art. But today, there is a need for gas connection devices, as well as conductors, among other things that are part of the hyperbaric chamber.

This piece of equipment would substantially improve the health of patients with circulatory, diabetic, arthritic problems or people with cerebral damage, as well as divers with decompression problems.

With the hyperbaric chamber, amputation of organs, mainly of diabetic patients, could be avoided, which affect the patient’s self-esteem, increase the costs of hospitalization, rehabilitation treatments and surgical interventions.

On the other hand, Sauri Vivas announced that another hyperbaric chamber donated by Senator Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín will be installed in Progreso shortly, where the study was already carried out, and the adjustments made for its installation.

According to yucatanahora.mx, the government of Rolando Zapata had intentions to dismantle the O’Horán’s hyperbaric chamber and transfer it to Veracruz. However, the decision was reversed.

In fact, the Ministry of Public Function (SFP) imposed a fine of 175 thousand pesos to Rolando Zapata’s health secretary, Jorge Mendoza Mézquita, for diverting funds that were supposed to be used to dismantle the hyperbaric chamber.

The visit of inspectors of the SFP was due to a complaint by Banorte, which contributed with part of the millionaire investment to install the equipment.

The financial group gave 11 million pesos in January 2009 for the acquisition of the hyperbaric chamber. Subsequently, on December 30, 2011, it was announced that an amount of 70 million pesos was allocated for the acquisition of furniture, medical and surgical equipment, as well as other material required for its operation.

However, hyperbaric chamber never operated and the excuse of the Rolando Zapata administration was lack of resources by the federal government.

TYt Newsroom with information from yucatanahora.mx

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