XALAPA, Veracruz — The governor-elect of Veracruz, Miguel Angel Yunes Linares, said he had information that former Gov. Javier Duarte fled the state Saturday Oct. 15.
He charged that Duarte was in Puebla on an aircraft provided by Interim Gov. Flavino Rios Alvarado.
Duarte resigned last week as governor of Veracruz in the midst of a corruption scandal. Duarte said he wanted to focus on defending himself from the corruption charges and vowed not to flee the state or Mexico.
Yunes said Duarte left Veracruz over the weekend and that by calling the aircraft’s pilots to testify, it could be established where they took the former governor.

Veracruz Gov.-Elect Miguel Ángel Yunes (right) accused former Gov. Javier Duarte of fleeing. (PHOTO: mvsnoticias.com)
Yunes Linares also referred to statements made by the entrepreneur Moisés Mansur Cysneiros, designated as one of the strawmen of Javier Duarte, who agreed to giving a credit card to Karime Macías, wife of the governor, with a license to cover her expenses.
“If there is any doubt, today it was shown what I said always,” said Yunes Linares.
Source: oronegro.mx