Home LifestyleArt and Culture Mexican and U.S. poets share works on migration at border conference

Mexican and U.S. poets share works on migration at border conference

by Yucatan Times
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SAN LUIS RIO COLORADO, Sonora — Writers from Mexico and the United States took to the streets of this Mexican city and neighboring San Luis, Arizona, to read their work to pedestrians, accompanied by musicians, during the 9th International Meeting of Migrant Poets.

On Main Streets in the neighboring cities, near to the international border, the activities were held interchangeably on both sides of the border between Sonora and Arizona.

At the beginning, the writer from Sonora, Beda Dominguez, read some of her poems, while the YouthBuild group from Arizona, performed songs related to the theme of migration.

In various forums, participants recalled the presence of Mexican migrants, Central Americans, Africans and Haitians who daily arrive to the border of Sonora to seek the American dream in the United States.

Migration is theme of poetry conference. (PHOTO: Arizona Sonora News Service)

Migration was theme of poetry conference. (PHOTO: Arizona Sonora News Service)

More than 50 writers from Mexico, Canada and the United States participated in poetry reading activities on the cities’ streets and on campuses, as well as book presentations, conferences, and plays’ distribution in the vicinity of the international border.

In addition, artists of this binational region were invited to present their work at the headquarters during the activities development, in addition to musical and cultural groups’ events.

Source: www.notimex.gob.mx

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