Home Business-newBusiness 200 bogus travel agencies reportedly operating in Merida

200 bogus travel agencies reportedly operating in Merida

by Yucatan Times
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Five out of 10 travel agencies operating in Merida are illegal, and of the 400 operating in the city, 200 are bogus, said the Association of Professional Travel Agencies of Yucatán (Avipey).

The leader of the association, Doris Norbé Méndez Aranda, said that 50 percent of travel agencies that operate in Merida are informal, since they do not have offices and operate at phantom addresses.

She said that in the sector of travel agencies the problem persists with the proliferation of bogus companies operating without proper regulation in legal terms.

(IMAGE: smartdestinations.com)

(IMAGE: smartdestinations.com)

She explained that a reliable travel agency is supposed to cover all the necessary regulations of law-abiding business, be discharged from the Treasury, have physical address and pay taxes.
Mendez explained that some agencies mislead their clients by only delivering a reservation form, and when they reach the chosen destination they realize the fraud.


To prevent tourists from being defrauded by ghost companies and provide security to foreigners seeking to get to Merida and other tourist attractions in Yucatan, travel agencies, tour operators, car rental companies and entrepreneurs in the industry will seek a certification of authenticity before the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (CANACO) and the Ministry of Tourism (SEFOTUR).

The leader of the CANACO, Juan José Abraham Daguer, said the certification requires tour operators to meet certain quality standards that guarantee to tourists that require their services that all promotions, cost, tours and contracts will be fulfilled in time and form.

Source: sipse.com

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