Home Headlines Motul: the new “Pueblo Mágico” in the heart of the Yucatan

Motul: the new “Pueblo Mágico” in the heart of the Yucatan

by Yucatan Times
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After the conquest, Motul was assigned to the conquistador Francisco de Bracamontes, who in his book called “Relation of Motul” indicates that it could be contemporary with Izamal and Mayapán.

Likewise, in honor of the social fighter Felipe Carrillo Puerto, born in this municipality, his name was added, officially remaining as Motul de Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

Photo: SIPSE

Motul attractions

Motul has various attractions for tourism, such as the temple and old convent of San Juan Bautista de Motul , which dates back to 1567 and stands out in the heart of the town.

(Photo: social networks)

Inside, the neoclassical altar, the Chapel of Solitude, an orchard and the old convent are preserved.

Similarly, there is the Sambulá cenote , located inside a cavern.

There is also the Felipe Carrillo Puerto Museum , which is located in what was the house where this hero defender of the Mayans was born, who became governor of Yucatán.

(Photo: social networks)

Upon entering this museum, people can learn something about the life of the hero, the room where he was born, his political career, and a complete exhibition of photographs, documents, and personal objects.

(Photo: social networks)

It must be remembered that the motuleño eggs originate from there , a favorite dish of Yucatecan gastronomy.

(Photo: social networks)

Oral tradition tells that they were invented by chef Jorge Siqueff, under a specific request from Governor Felipe Carrillo Puerto to entertain his guests with a unique breakfast.

Among these were Diego Rivera, Carlos Pellicer, José Vasconcelos and Jaime Torres Bodet.

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