Home Headlines Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal recognizes two outstanding Yucatecan nurses

Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal recognizes two outstanding Yucatecan nurses

by Yucatan Times
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Mérida, Yucatán, September 26, 2020.- The nurses Manuel Antonio Chimas Cáceres and Steffany Tec Tabasco, who work at the Provisional Hospital of Valladolid, shared their success stories with Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal and the effort that together with the health personnel of Yucatán have been making for 6 months in the fight against Coronavirus.

Both health professionals held a talk with Vila Dosal, who stressed that the dedication and commitment of Steffany and Manuel has served as an inspiration for others, while recognizing and thanking the work they do together with all workers in the health sector for which he asked to extend his congratulations to those who care for and watch over the health of the Yucatecans.

In this sense and in the form of encouragement to the effort that Manuel Chimas has made to get ahead, the Governor proposed hiring him to provide his services at the Xohuayán Health Center, belonging to his native municipality of Oxkutzkab, where he will attend to people of his own community.

During the talk with Vila Dosal, Chimas Cáceres, who recently graduated as a Bachelor of Nursing, told about all the sacrifices and efforts he had to make to achieve his dream of becoming a professional in this area, for which he had to overcome the lack of economic resources and combine his work as a bricklayer with nursing school.

The story of the 23-year-old young man, originally from the municipality of Oxkutzcab, in the south of the state, attracted attention, since he never gave up his goal and working hard in the construction sector was able to culminate his professional career as a nurse, in an effort that in the mornings it implied to him to work hard under the rays of the sun and go to school in the afternoons.

“I am very happy that the Governor of my state is interested in hearing my story and learning about the effort that many of us make to get ahead. I had the opportunity to tell him everything I did to qualify as a nurse, the truth is that I did not expect this meeting and above all that he would take time to listen to my life experience ”, declared Manuel.

“From this meeting with the Governor I have a pleasant feeling because always a word of encouragement can help you and motivate you to continue growing. I am glad that there is this approach with health personnel because, although it is broad, there are stories that are worth sharing and I feel very happy about sharing mine, ”said the young man.

Manuel, who is the eldest of 3 children, became the first member of his family to obtain a professional diploma, highlighting his effort, sacrifice and overcoming obstacles, mainly economic, since he himself built his future and paid for his career since his father who works in the farm and her mother, who is a housewife, did not have the possibility to cover the educational costs, so he became the pride not only of his family, but now of the whole state.

During the meeting with both health workers, Vila Dosal gave them a present in the form of recognition for their daily effort assisting those Yucatecans who require medical attention and who see them as true heroes.

For her part, the nurse Steffany Tec Tabasco, who provides her services at the Provisional Hospital de Valladolid, recognized the measures that the State Government has implemented in the face of this health emergency situation.

“It is an unprecedented situation, we had never experienced a pandemic of this magnitude and it must be recognized that the State Government took priority measures, such as building in record time the Provisional Hospital of Valladolid, which has allowed timely care of patients facing something that may not be visible, but that has claimed many lives in the world, ”shared the professional.

Tec Tabasco highlighted the rapprochement that Vila Dosal has maintained with health personnel and especially the distribution of input and equipment at hospitals that care for patients with Coronavirus, so that workers have what they need to provide better care to the Yucatecans.

Regarding these actions, the nurse took advantage of the meeting to thank the Governor “for providing the best equipment and materials so that we can carry out their work in the best possible way.”

Recently, Steffany Tec Tabasco traveled to Mexico City to receive the “Miguel Hidalgo 2020” Degree Collar decoration, the highest distinction to recognize the work of health personnel in the face of a Coronavirus pandemic.

In this framework, Vila Dosal recognized the work and dedication that Steffany exerts every day of her work, and that led her to stand out with her own patients who nominated her to make her one of the 58 workers in the sector from all over the country who received this recognition, proudly representing Yucatan.

On this fact, Steffany presented the insignia of honor of the Mexican State to Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal and shared the different experiences he has lived through the pandemic, among which he highlighted that together with an effective medical team they managed to save the life of a baby 2 months old from a distant community who arrived with respiratory arrest, a fact that marked her life as one of the most significant moments in her career.

“The Governor recognizes all the health personnel of all the commissions for the great effort we make and sent extensive congratulations to all the Valladolid personnel for the work we do every day,” she said.

It should be noted that Steffanny was the recipient of this award by being nominated by the same patients whom she treated and that in several cases she contributed to saving their lives, who decided to express their gratitude with this recognitition.

Finally, Steffany was selected by a Qualifying Jury, made up of heads of federal institutions that provide health services, such as the Federal Health, National Defense and Navy Secretariats, as well as Insabi, IMSS, Issste and Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

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