Refresh and renew in this PRANA – RESTORATIVE session !
Relax and feel the energy flowing through your body during this one-of-a-kind experience…
You don’t need to know a thing about yoga or meditation, you just need to show up and let Dr. Alma Durán take you on an unforgetable introspective trip that will heal your body and soul.
It is exclusively for English speakers and we have an “early bird” speical price of $200 pesos if you pay before Dec. 11

Alma Duran, PhD, is an anthropologist, educator, and yoga and meditation expert. She began practicing yoga and Zen Buddhism in 1980s. She considers these disciplines saved her sanity and facilitated a long and successful career in the communication industry as well as in the academic world. Dr. Duran had the privilege of having studied with such gifted teachers as Thich Nhat Hanh, T. K. Desikachar, Larry Payne, Fred Miller, Matty Ezrati, Eric Schiffmann, Lisa Walford, Gary Kraftsow, Kavita Pippon, Andrea Fink, Adriaan van Wagensveld, Gabi Theinert and Swami Bodhichitananda Saraswati, among other well known yogis. Alma’s formal teacher training is very eclectic: Iyengar, Power and Sivananda Yoga. Additionally, advanced workshops and her own yearlong personal practice of Viniyoga, Regenerative and Yin Yoga, as well as Yoga for Seniors, have greatly influenced her instructive approach: a breath-cantered experience adapted to the needs of each student. Alma obtained her teaching certifications in the United States, Germany and the Netherlands. She offers yoga, meditation and mindfulness classes in Spanish, English and German language in Mérida , Yucatán where she resides with her family.
See you at SOL y TIERRA!
- Calle 15 # 210 (x 24 y 26)
- Col. García Ginerés
- Mérida, Yucatán 97070
- PH.- 999 925 0248
- Email: [email protected]