A group of Mexican researchers and entrepreneurs presented a light-duty electric vehicle, which has the advantage of having an ultra-fast charge and protection from the electrical network.
The Mexican company Vehículos Eléctricos Corporativos (VEC), together with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Seciti) and the Autonomous Metropolitan University (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana), were involved in the creation, design and manufacturing of this vehicle.

Original image: “VECLOM”, by Agencia Informativa Conacyt, used under CC BY 4.0 license, via Conacyt.
During the presentation, the Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation of Mexico City, René Drucker Colín, said that Mexican electric vehicles could be the solution to many of the problems of the country’s capital; and he also stated that the development of this project demonstrates the ability of Mexican developers to create its own high impact technology, in order to stop depending on other countries’ innovations.

Original image: “VECLOM”, by Agencia Informativa Conacyt, used under CC BY 4.0license, via Conacyt.
The vehicle has the capacity to load up to one and a half tons, so it is perfect for cargo transportation, and can drive up to 100 kilometers with a 60 minute recharge.
The battery has a useful life of 10 years, and the traction mechanism is composed by an electric motor of alternating current controlled by a computer and its mechanically adhered to the wheels.
The estimated price of the vehicle will be 500 thousand pesos, which according to its creators is quite competitive in comparison to similar vehicles that have the same utility and are already on the market.

Original image: “VECLOM”, by Agencia Informativa Conacyt, used under CC BY 4.0license, via Conacyt.
Another advantage of VECLOM, is that it is much cheaper in terms of cost of operation, as it costs only 36 cents per kilometer, while an internal combustion vehicle costs approximately 2 pesos per kilometer.
The vehicle presented is a prototype, and researchers will continue to carry out field tests, in order to detect areas of opportunity and improve them, so that soon they can begin series production.
Source: http://www.mexiconewsnetwork.com/