Home Headlines One thousand applications have been registered in the pet animal registry

One thousand applications have been registered in the pet animal registry

by Yucatan Times
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One week after the Mérida Municipal Registry of Pets began, one thousand registrations have already been received, of which 400 records are already completed with the pet’s data.

This was reported by the mayor of Mérida, Alejandro Ruz Castro, who said he was very happy with the result of the platform, which indicates that there is increasing interest on the part of citizens for responsible ownership.

“There are a thousand registrations and 400 pets already registered with their certificate, we must remember that this will be like a CURP (the official record of Mexican citizenship) for these little animals and can be useful for many things, for example, if it is lost we already know where to deliver it, and we will also it allows us to have a mapping of how many pets there are in the city.

He explained that the difference between registrations and certificates is that the owner is registered first and the next phase is also to register the pet, and so far only 400 people have completed the process.

“We have only been there a week and we expect this number to increase as time goes by, and we are also running a campaign so that people know the platform and register.”

TYT Newsroom

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