Home Business-newBusiness Google had an impact on the Mexican economy of 266 billion pesos in 2022

Google had an impact on the Mexican economy of 266 billion pesos in 2022

by Yucatan Times

Google presented an independent report on its economic impact in Mexico, which highlights the use of the Cloud and the development of apps.

During all of 202.2, Google generated an economic impact in Mexico of 266,000 million pesos (mp) in companies that used products such as Google Search, Ads, AdSense, Play, YouTube, and Cloud, as estimated by the consulting firm Access Partnership in a report that was presented on Wednesday, December 6th, at the Google for Mexico event, the most important locally for the company based in Silicon Valley, California, United States.

The senior regional manager of Research and Insights for Google in Mexico, Pablo Castellanos, shared in an advance session with the media that Google’s economic impact report in Mexico was prepared entirely by the Access Partnership, without any type of interference. of the technology company and, since the methodology changes from year to year, it is not possible to compare the economic impact of 2022 with that of previous years.

The study specifies that Access Partnership, a consultancy based in London and present in 17 countries, including Mexico, used public and private information, unrelated to Google, that is, the technology company “has not provided any additional data, nor does it support any estimate contained in the report. All estimates are based on the latest data available at the time of the analysis, in 2023”, which include micro and macroeconomic variables, inflation, GDP, among others.

The document ensures that the 266 billion pesos of economic impact generated by the use of different Google products in Mexico includes 9,000 million in annual income for application developers through the Play Store and 167,500 jobs in the application economy, currently based on the Android ecosystem.

Additionally, 60 billion pesos in benefits (e.g., net advertising returns) were reported for content creators and advertisers on YouTube.

“In 2022, users obtained benefits of 98,000 million pesos by using Google Workspace tools outside the workplace” and saved 283 hours (11.8 days) annually thanks to its solutions for access, storage, behavioral use of online documents, meetings, and collaborations.”

Additionally, 60 billion pesos in benefits (e.g., net advertising returns) were reported for content creators and advertisers on YouTube.

“In 2022, users obtained benefits of 98,000 million pesos by using Google Workspace tools outside the workplace” and saved 283 hours (11.8 days) annually thanks to its solutions for access, storage, behavioral use of online documents, meetings, and collaborations.”

“Businesses, in particular, obtain significant economic benefits thanks to Google products, which facilitate the creation of new sources of income and savings in operating costs, ensuring their competitiveness in a constantly evolving market. At the same time, the Android platform contributes to the local economy by generating direct and indirect jobs related to application development,” he adds.

Access Partnership clarified that the commercial benefits provided by Google products and solutions were estimated based on the economic value generated by companies in Mexico when using Google Search, Ads, AdSense, Play, Cloud, and YouTube.

TYT Newsroom

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