Home Headlines Volaris warns that the reduction of operations at AICM compromises connectivity nationwide

Volaris warns that the reduction of operations at AICM compromises connectivity nationwide

by Sofia Navarro
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Volaris has reported that the new restriction on operations at the Mexico City International Airport (AICM) from 52 to 43 per hour, starting on October 28th, compromises domestic and international connectivity, as well as having “negative impacts on both travelers and the aviation sector as a whole, affecting Mexico’s economy and Mexican airlines.”

In a statement, the airline stated that, in light of the measure announced on Thursday, it is essential to have a sufficient adjustment period to minimize the effects on both customers with upcoming flights and the country’s connectivity.

“The airline agrees with what the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has expressed, that any measure involving a capacity reduction must strictly adhere to international standards and best practices. This implies the need to conduct studies with a high level of technical rigor, maintain open and collaborative communication, ensure fairness, and avoid any form of discrimination in the implementation of these measures,” it explained.

The low-cost carrier reminded that it has fully complied with the imposed reductions in operations due to the terminal’s saturation, resulting in a 24% decrease in effective flights over the last 18 months, including the cancellation of nine complete routes, to the detriment of the country’s connectivity.

Therefore, Volaris has called for dialogue and the search for consensus-based solutions with various industry stakeholders to prevent air connectivity from being compromised.

TYT Newsroom

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