Santa Claus, also known as Papá Noel, has arrived in Mérida to vacation in Las Coloradas and Tizimín. William Guiol, hailing from …
santa claus
Bruce McArthur was a gardener who also worked impersonating Santa Claus at a mall in Canada. Despite having multiple altercations with police, …
Joaquín Monier, an 11-year-old boy from Río Gallegos, Argentina, sent a letter to Santa Claus for the second consecutive year, not asking …
The North American Aerospace Defense Command, better known as NORAD for its acronym in English, released the “Santa Tracker”, where you can …
Walmart apologizes for selling “unusual” Christmas sweaters
Walmart Canada apologized for selling a Christmas sweater that appeared to show Santa Claus doing cocaine. The sweater showed Santa in front …