For a safe return to the classroom, the Anahuac University asks students and teaching staff to comply with sanitary measures (MERIDA, YUC. …
negative test to enter
BusinessBusiness-newExpat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyleNationalNewsPeninsulaState NewsTravel
Vaccination certificate or negative Covid test result required to access Tianguis Turístico 2021
To access the event, along with the badge, it will be essential to present the official receipt of the complete vaccination scheme …
Expat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyleNewsPeninsulaQ, RooTravel
Without a negative COVID-19 test, you cannot enter shops in Quintana Roo
QUINTANA ROO, (July 23, 2021).- Carlos Joaquin, governor of Quintana Roo, said in a news conference that the new policy of the “program access …