Human action is the main cause of strandings of marine mammals in Yucatan and fishing nets are the greatest deadly agent for …
marine mammal
Dead Humpback Whale found off the coast of Manzanillo, Colima, México
Manzanillo, Colima, (October 19, 2021).- On the coast of Manzanillo, Colima, a humpback whale was found dead ; According to the University Group for Research on Marine Mammals (GUIMM), the discovery …
Beach CommunitiesFeatureNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaWildlife
Specialists call to report mammal strandings in the Yucatan coastline
Merida, Yucatan.- So far this year, at least eight strandings of marine mammals have been reported in various ports of Yucatan. The …
A group of killer whales is launching coordinated attacks on boats off the coast of Spain
Killer whales are ramming and harassing sailboats traveling along the Spanish and Portuguese coasts in a series of attacks that have left …
Beach CommunitiesHeadlinesNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaWildlife
Two manatees get stranded near Uaymitún, Yucatán
CHIXULUB PUERTO, YUCATAN (July 5, 2020).- In a rare case for the Yucatan coast, the stranding of two manatees, mother and son, …