A well-known restaurant in the port of Progreso was the scene of a fight in which several clients began to attack each …
‘Nevermind’: Judge dismisses lawsuit by man who was naked baby on Nirvana album
Judge rejects Nirvana baby’s claim for $2.5m compensation for ‘child abuse’ California, January 5, 2022, (Reuters) – A federal judge in Los …
U.S. gun makers say Mexico’s lawsuit represents a ‘clash of national values’
BOSTON, November 23, 2021, (Reuters) – Gun makers including Smith & Wesson (SWBI.O) and Sturm, Ruger & Co (RGR.N) on Monday asked a U.S. judge to …
López Obrador to be held responsible for the case of a child who died of cancer.
López Obrador was denounced for homicide in the Attorney General’s Office. Andrea Rocha RamÃrez, attorney for the PRD cases, was in charge …
Mel Gibson’s lawyers prepare lawsuit against woman creator of ‘Miel Gibson’
SANTIAGO DE CHILE.- Using the word “honey” and the name of one of a famous actor, a Chilean woman named her honeybee …
The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) will have to pay $260 million to a consortium of companies affected during the Chicoasén II project. …
CHETUMALÂ (Times Media Mexico).- Citizens sue the state government of Quintana Roo before a Federal Court, in order to protect 80,000 animals in …
HeadlinesNewsPeninsulaState News
Lawsuit against the Congress of Yucatan for rejection of same-sex marriage
Several groups of the LGBTTTI community in Yucatan are demanding the Superior Court of Justice of the state to sue the local …