The ban began on February 1 and ends on March 31. In addition to Yucatan, it is valid in Campeche, Quintana Roo and…
grouper ban
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Yucatan fishermen receive support from the State Government for the grouper ban
Through the “I respect the ban on grouper” program, in Dzidzantún, 385 men and women who dedicate to this activity were benefited.…
Beach CommunitiesHeadlinesNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaWildlife
Red grouper at risk due to overexploitation on the Yucatecan coasts
The lack of adequate inspection and surveillance to avoid poaching has caused the overexploitation of species (MÉRIDA, Yuc. – CONAPESCA), January 21,…
Progreso, Yucatán, February 15, 2021.- Erik Rihani González, from the Directorate of Fisheries Management of the State Secretariat of Sustainable Fisheries and…