Luis Fernando Ciau Heredia went to sea in the port of Progreso to go fishing and to date there is no news …
Mérida, Yucatán.- Fishing entrepreneurs reported that so far there is a good octopus catch in Yucatán, which has been good economically for …
Beach CommunitiesFeatureNewsPeninsula
67 thousand kilos of octopus caught in Yucatan during the first week of the season
Progreso, Yucatán, (August 14, 2021).- The state coordinator of the National Aquaculture and Fisheries Commission (Conapesca), Mauro Cristales Márquez reported that in …
MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (August 12, 2021).- A week after the start of the octopus capture period, the fishermen predict a good season in which the goal of 25 …
Beach CommunitiesHeadlinesNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaWildlife
August 1st: Octopus catching season kicks off in Yucatán
MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (August 02, 2021) .- The Yucatan coast announced this Sunday, August 1st, the official start of the octopus harvest season …
Beach CommunitiesFeatureNewsPeninsula
AMLO puts into analysis the lifting of the sea cucumber ban in the Yucatan Peninsula
MÉXICO, (June 26, 2021).- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador indicated that the National Fisheries Commission (Conapesca) will be instructed to review whether …
Texas A&M new study triples estimate of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — There are about three times as many red snapper as previously estimated in the Gulf of Mexico, according …
Beach CommunitiesEnvironmentFeatureNationalNewsPeninsulaState News
Climate change and poaching pose lethal threat to local fishermen
MERIDA(Times Media Mexico).- Climate change has caused species like grouper, octopus and lobster to seek out suitable waters for their development, since …
Beach CommunitiesHeadlinesNewsPeninsula
The port of Yucalpetén to be remodeled for the first time after 50 years
Yucalpetén, Yucatán, October 23rd.- For the first time in 50 years, the port of Yucalpetén will undergo an intervention through a modernization, …
Mexican Navy informed that agents officers assigned to the Ninth Naval Zone rescued four people that were adrift at sea, near the …