Campeche, (September 04, 2021).- After the announcement of the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) of the relocation of the …
economy collapse
After annual report, opposition criticizes AMLO’s management; it has been “a failure,” they say
MEXICO, (September 02, 2021) .- The opposition parties described the administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as “failed, erroneous and disastrous”, after …
They claim that keeping their doors closed has affected the income of just over six thousand families MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (August 31, 2021).- …
GDP during the second quarter of 2020 GDP declined 17.1 percent in real terms; exceeds the falls of 2009 and 2005 MEXICO …
The president said that the accumulation of more debt is being avoided by not applying for new loans and that austerity measures …
Mexican economy collapses 18.9% in the second quarter, its worst fall in history. The country’s Gross Domestic Product registered an unprecedented decline …