The review of the public account of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s first year showed us that the corruption that was going …
Corruption in Mexico
Today’s date is the birth of a new adversary for AMLO and his so-called Fourth Transformation. MEXICO CITY (El Universal) – As …
The amount must be clarified by the audited entities or be returned to the public treasury or the federal public entities’ assets, …
Electricity reform seeks the indirect expropriation of private plants: CCE.
The Business Coordinating Council warned that this reform initiative would result in more expensive and polluting electricity and more subsidies, in addition …
Morena’s majority blocks petition to know the contracts for COVID-19 vaccines.
The agreement also urged the National Electoral Institute (INE) to prevent the vaccination campaign from being used for political electoral purposes. MEXICO …
“Lopez Obrador Lies. We don’t fabricate evidence.” – Former DEA Chief of International Operations.
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said on his Friday morning news conference that the U.S. Drug Enforcement …
“AMLO’s government violated legal treaty with the United States. We will restart process against Cienfuegos.” – DOJ
“The government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador violated the legal aid treaty with the United States by disseminating confidential materials about the …
AMLO’s government grants $89 million pesos to remodel the stadium for the baseball team headed by… his brother.
The rehabilitation of the stadium includes, among other things, the construction of new stands, boxes, six bathrooms for the spectators, and dressing …
Corruption in Mexico: 8 out of 10 contracts given by direct adjudication in AMLO’s second year.
Corruption and lack of transparency in AMLO’s government: a constant. MEXICO (Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad) – The administration headed …