Along coastlines from Australia to Kenya to Mexico, many of the world’s colorful coral reefs have turned a ghostly white in what …
One of the largest deep-sea coral reefs in the world was found off the U.S. East Coast
After a disastrous year for coral reefs in which abnormally high ocean temperatures served a fatal blow to many of the vital underwater ecosystems, …
Beach CommunitiesEnvironmentHeadlinesPeninsulaPlanetYuca
The Peninsula’s coral reef, endangered by deathly “White Syndrome”
A new disease, known as white syndrome, threatens the reefs of the Peninsula and for the last four years, has become a …
HeadlinesNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaQ, RooWildlife
Corals are successfully reproducing under controlled conditions in Quintana Roo
Coral spawning has been achieved within under controlled conditions in Quintana Roo; corals reproduce naturally once or several times a year “The …
HeadlinesNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaQ, RooWildlife
Sexual reproduction of corals in captivity achieved for the first time in Mexico
Scientists at the Regional Aquaculture and Fisheries Research Center in Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo managed, for the first time in Mexico, to …
Merida, Yucatan (Times Media Mexico).- In the shipping area of Merida’s International Airport, members of the National Guard detected four “live coral …
HeadlinesNewsPeninsulaQ, Roo
Scientists say too much tourism is fueling mysterious disease killing the Caribbean’s corals
The breathtaking reds, yellows and purples of the Mesoamerican Reef have been turning sickly white, leading researchers on a desperate hunt to …
HeadlinesNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaQ, RooWildlife
“White syndrome” even more catastrophic than sargassum in Quintana Roo
“In the short term, the white syndrome could be more catastrophic than the effects of sargassum in terms of economic losses. but …
Some of the most popular reefs around the island of Cozumel will be closed to the public due to white band disease, …
EnvironmentFeatureNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaQ, RooRiviera Maya
Three thousand coral fragments planted in Akumal
The Akumal Ecological Center is trying to restore deteriorated species. TULUM, Q. Roo – The three thousand coral fragments planted in 20 …