So far this year two jaguars and two spider monkeys have been confirmed, according to Arturo Antuña, subdirector of General Services of …
Merida City Council denies cases of animal abuse at the Centennial Zoo
The Mérida City Council denied that there is animal abuse in the Centenario Zoo, after complaints on social networks that a white …
The Mérida Centenario Zoo reopens with the arrival of 140 thousand visitors
The Mérida Centenario Zoo is back for Semana Santa. Mérida, Yucatán, (April 01, 2021).- More than 140 thousand people have gone to …
Black jaguar born in Merida’s Centenario Zoo is named “Booxo”
In December 2020, a jaguar cub was born in the Mérida Centenario Zoo. And finally, the feline will get a name of his …
“The good conditions and care that the animals receive in the Centenario Zoo allow new specimens to be born year after year, …
Animals at Merida’s Zoos are pampered with popsicles and cold baths
With actions aimed at preserving the wellbeing of the Parque Bicentenario and Animaya guests during the hot season, the zoo administration works …
In the absence of visitors, animals at Mérida’s Zoos are more relaxed
“In the absence of visitors, animals at Mérida’s Zoos (Centenario and Animaya) are more relaxed,” said Arturo Antuña Silveira, deputy director of …
Centenario and Animaya zoos, recognized at national level for their wildlife conservation policies
Mérida, Yucatán (Dec. 30).- Proper care, nutrition and attention provided by the Mérida City Council staff to the animals of the Centenario …