Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, announced that Carlos Joaquín, governor of Quintana Roo, will be proposed as Mexico’s ambassador to…
carlos joaquin
Expat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyleNewsPeninsulaQ, RooTravel
Without a negative COVID-19 test, you cannot enter shops in Quintana Roo
QUINTANA ROO, (July 23, 2021).- Carlos Joaquin, governor of Quintana Roo, said in a news conference that the new policy of the “program access…
HeadlinesNewsPeninsulaQ, Roo
Quintana Roo contradicts AMLO: Students will go back to classes until the traffic light is green
QUINTANA ROO, (July 16, 2021).- The governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín González, claimed to be unaware of the agreement that the federal…
“We must be inclusive, supportive, participatory and look for more and better opportunities for people. That is the hallmark of this administration.…